Friday, January 28, 2011

Emma Turns 7!

It is 2011! It has been a long time since you've heard from me but without a valid excuse, here we go with new information and happenings from NYC! HaHa!

On Friday, January 21 we celebrated Emma's 7th birthday! I can't believe she is 7 already. We went to Madison Square Garden that evening to see Disney's Princesses on Ice! They were both (Emma and Kendall) in awe as soon as it started and are still talking about it today.

Emma also had a party at home on Sunday the 23rd with her girl friends from school! We never thought we could fit 12 little girls in our apartment but were proven wrong! They had a great time partying like rock stars! There was pizza, snow painting and ice gems, microphone cupcakes and sing-a-longs, and maybe a little dancing too! Check out the video below of the party! And welcome back to Raising 3 In NYC!