Sunday, January 24, 2010

REALLY Raising 3

WARNING: This blog is terribly LONG!
You may need to come back when you have more time :)

Now that we are REALLY raising 3 in NYC I thought it was time for a new blog entry! If you are new, welcome and if you have been following (sporadic as they were) I'm glad you are still here and have followed me to my new address. Hopefully the new address will help me blog more often because I will not need access to Guy's laptop...Yippee!!

If you want news about our East Village plant you can still find that info here.

At Raising 3 you can follow what it's like to have 3 kids in NYC. Let me say...not many people do! Here is a quick snapshot of transportation!

Transporting 1 child in the city is difficult enough but a whole different ball game. Our normal set up is Emma walking, KP in a stroller and Carter nice in snug in the ERGO.

Difficulties: subway steps, KP jumps out and goes down or up the steps and I carry the stroller; catching a bus, stroller has to be folded and carried on, meanwhile helping KP up or down the giant steps and directing her to a seat before the bus leaves the stop and she crashes to the floor! Needless to say we get lots of funny looks, occasional smiles and greatly appreciated help carrying the stroller! I'm sure they ALL think I'm crazy!

Since my last blog 4 major events have occurred. Carter's birth, KP's 3rd birthday, Christmas, and Emma's 6th birthday.'s the quick version of each! ENJOY!

Carter Lorraine Wasko

Carter was born Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 8:36pm weighing 7lbs 3oz. I had an appointment that morning with my midwife and entered the office asking "Can I please have this baby TODAY?" She said sure! I had been to the hospital Sunday night/Monday morning only to be sent home with this news; "Go home and walk around, come back when the contractions are stronger. It could be a few days." A few DAYS? I was more than ready have this baby! My midwife sent me home with these instructions; "Go home and eat then head to the hospital!" Yay!! We walked home from the appointment, ate, grabbed my bag and walked to the hospital (hoping the walking would help things go a little faster!) I had to wait a little while to be admitted but finally made it to a room around 1pm and the induction process was started. Carter was born at 8:36pm after only 6 minutes of pushing (I'm pretty proud of myself)!! She is amazing!

This picture was a few minutes after birth.

This picture was taken yesterday!

Kendall's 3rd Birthday

KP turned 3 on December 23. We had a small party at church with her friends. I asked her what kind of party she wanted and what she wanted on her cake. Her reply "Yellow". So we had a yellow party with a yellow cake! Check out a few pics of her celebration.

Christmas was spent here in NYC!

Emma's 6th Birthday

Living in NYC gives our girls exciting opportunities they will never forget. A new tradition that will hopefully last forever is a horse drawn carriage ride in Central Park for their birthday...only with Daddy!

This year Emma decided to have a Tinkerbell party. She invited a few friends from school and we had her party yesterday in our apartment. Our little place was full of little fairies. Afterward Emma said her party was "wonderful"!

Emma and her BFF Maya!

Well, I know this was VERY long but thanks for catching up with us! I know I've crammed a lot into one blog and hopefully won't have to do it again. Again, if you'd like to know more of what's happening here in the East Village please visit!

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca, Nice work girl ! Celeste is now jealous of Emma's Tinkerbell cake (Tinks her all-time favorite). I love and miss you all. The baby is beautiful !
